Military Pet Portraits

Pets have been serving alongside military members for centuries. In fact, dogs have been used in warfare since ancient times. From providing companionship to offering love and support, pets play an important role in the lives of those who serve our country. Today, pets continue to serve an important purpose at home.

Pets can be a crucial part of the healing process for military members who suffer from PTSD and other mental health challenges. In fact, studies have shown that spending time with pets can help reduce stress levels and increase feelings of well-being.

Everyday military service members fight for our freedoms, our pets fight an unseen war to serve us. They battle the same things we do. Pets can have depression, anxiety, PTSD, many pets will serve as prisoners of war in the pound.

Military pet portraits are a way to remember the pets that have served alongside military members. These portraits can be used to honor the bond between human and animal, and to raise awareness about the challenges that pets face during wartime.
