We need more Hybrids not Electric Vehicles

The IEEE published a new article “WE NEED MORE THAN JUST ELECTRIC VEHICLES” which has a good initial idea but if you search the article there’s actually 0 mentions of Hybrid vehicles! Zero mentions! For first world countries transitioning from fossil fuels to alternatives wouldn’t the next best thing to being fossil fuel dependent be to use less and ween the economy off? Hybrids have been the biggest stop-gap transition to electric vehicles. Electric vehicles honestly are still not ready for the mass market even with the success of Tesla Motors. Tesla owners often report having “range anxiety” where they’re unsure if their fully charged battery can make their trip. Running the AC and the stereo both use more energy and can shrink the range you can travel. If they run out of battery you could be stuck on the side of the road and need towed to the next supercharger. Supercharger’s cost twice as much as charging at home sometimes $20 for a full charge but you can get something like 75% in an hour. Hertz recently ordered a big fleet of Tesla vehicles so if you want to rent one you can, but you’ll likely learn the difficulties of living with an electric vehicle. There’s also been plenty of videos of Tesla’s in line to charge at a supercharger when they’re likely already very low on battery.

Guess what vehicle already has proven technology, uses existing gasoline stations, and has 2x the travel range of a Tesla? That’s right, a Hybrid. The most well known hybrid is the Prius with 50MPG and a 10 gallon tank, it can go a full 500 miles before needing refilled compared to about 200 miles in a Tesla. Despite this, how many American car companies are making Hybrids? Where are the Ford and GM hybrids with 50 MPG? Why are they all trying to jump the market gap filled with hybrid vehicles to electric vehicles or fuel cell vehicles? It seems like such a mistake that might playout in the next 20 years. American Tax payers might be bailing out the auto industry again after they continue to ignore the demands of consumers.

